Brett Bennett - Knifemaker & Metalsmith
The Why
jIt's always satisfying to finish a knife, but I find that the real joy in knifemaking comes through exploration. I enjoy coming up with new designs, learning new techniques and solving how to bring it all together in an esthetically pleasing and functional way.
The When
Growing up, we lived outside of town but my dad would drive me to mow lawns on Saturday. We stopped at the grocery store one afternoon and I noticed a copy of Blade Magazine. It was then I discovered the world of custom and handmade knives. I was thirteen at the time, but I knew I wanted to make knives one day. Thirteen years later, after a conversation with a coworker who collected custom knives, I decided to get started. That was 1999.
The How
The knives are completed entirely by me unless otherwise noted. I flat grind almost exclusively and prefer natural materials such as figured wood, oosic, sea cow bone or mammoth ivory for the handles. I use both stock removal and forging practices and produce my own pattern-welded steel (aka damascus). I place a great deal of emphasis on fit and finish. All blades, with the exception of damascus, receive a 'hand-rubbed' satin finish and the handles and furniture are always finished by hand.
Knives made prior to 2011 are etched “B. C. Bennett” in script. Starting in 2011, all knives are stamped “Bennett” using the same style of script. My knives are marked on the 'reverse' side of the blade.
The What
I am always adding new techniques to the "bag of tricks" with each passing year. My current focus includes metal and wood carving, metal textures and patination, and take down construction.
The Who
Me, and YOU. You're looking for something that stands out. You want to support makers who expand horizons and look for ways to separate their work from others. You understand the thoughfulness involved in creating an heirloom...and it's value. You appreciate work that incorporates details and lessons from across disciplines.

Where I spend most of my time in knifemaking.

How it's done here.

Hot billet being formed in the hydraulic press.
Artist Statement
Knives, in some form or fashion, are indispensable in our daily lives. From everyday kitchen cutting chores to cutters used in manufacturing, knives improve our lives.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in the medium of metal. For me, knifemaking and metalsmithing are a practical outlet for this interest. The challenge of new techniques and ideas has provided for a lifetime of learning, practice and captivation.
The basis of any knife is function. It should also be aesthetically pleasing. In addition to these core qualities, I place fit and finish at the fore of desirable characteristics. Many companies produce a quality, well-built knife. Therefore, a handmade knife should offer something not found in a mass-produced product.